A home blessing.
Several years ago, our pastor Ray Ortlund would begin each service at Immanuel Nashville with these words. The room would quickly go from happy chatter to reverent silence as we listened... because ALL of us could find ourselves in one...
Encouragement: Give it time.
💙Give it time, Mama.💙What you see here is a handsome little guy about to play in an honors piano recital. He's 8 years old, reads over 300 chapter books a year, and is such a kind and loyal big brother.What...
A Book List for Mama
I love sharing book lists for your children, but this one is just for YOU. I chose a number of categories and narrowed it down to my top three books in each. These books (in addition to the Bible) have...
Keeping a Narration Notebook
  After each reading that's part of our homeschool, I encourage both of our children (ages 6 and 8) to narrate. If you're new to homeschooling - or to Charlotte Mason's philosophy - narration may be an unfamiliar concept.Simply stated,...
Freebie: Summer Reading BINGO!
Happy (almost) SUMMER!     I've seen lots of Summer Reading Bingo charts (and loved them!), so I combined my favorite ideas into one grid.  Click here to download your Summer Reading Bingo chart.  Plus, I've made a list here...
Our Favorite Board Books
Recommending board books feels a little personal, as everyone has different opinions on what they'd prefer to read over and over... and a thousand times over.   These are the board books that have been WELL loved in our house,...
Speaking words of life over our children
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." - Ephesians 4:29 If you've read the Old Testament,...
Our Top 20 Favorite Read-Alouds (so far)
I polled my children to choose their favorite 20 read-alouds we've read together so far. We've read them all cover-to-cover and, in my opinion, they make the perfect read-alouds. I hope you'll be able to draw from this list if you're...
Resources for a Strong-Willed Child
Last night, I reached out to this community in a place of need: we have a very strong-willed toddler. And WOW. You guys showed up with so many incredible resources, ideas, and encouragement. Thank you, friends!      I've made a list...
25 Favorite Africa Picture Books
Our family is finishing up our 12-week study of Africa and we've compiled a list of our favorite Africa picture books. We are working through the Mission: World Wonders curriculum by Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood and adding in some of the book recommendations...
Teaching Kids to Sew with a Sewing Machine
    Many moons ago, I owned a sewing business and sewed handmade clutch purses for bridesmaids. It helped put me through nursing school, but after sewing 1500 bags over a 2-year period (and even teaching my husband to sew...
DIY: Pressed Flower Suncatchers
This is such a satisfying Spring handicraft because the kids can do it nearly unassisted and it yields beautiful results! Here's what you need: + Clear, glossy contact paper  + Dried, pressed flowers* + An embroidery hoop (mine is 10")...
Favorite Spring picture books!
It's officially Spring! As a mom, this has become my favorite season because we get swing the doors and windows open and enjoy the outdoors. We're reading lots of books about planting seeds and tending gardens and buzzing bees and want...
March Book Madness!
    It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since our world changed in a big way. In an effort to make this March better than last March, our family decided to do a little March Book Madness...
What is narration?
What is narration? After each history reading or read-aloud that's part of our homeschool, I encourage both of our children (ages 6 and 8) to narrate. If you're new to homeschooling - or to Charlotte Mason's philosophy - narration may...
Easter Picture Book Recommendations
As you may have seen, I recently released my Easter guide (you can purchase it in a digital or print format). For each of the 8 days of the study, I recommend one picture book. The Easter guide can stand alone without...
Tips for early readers
     Do you have an early reader? You might have just finished a phonics book and he/she is slowly reading sentences, but is still decoding some words and hasn't become a fluent reader quite yet.     I want to share...
5 Valentine's Day books for little ones
If you're looking for delightful books that celebrate the purest forms of love, I want to recommend these to you...  + Loved by Sally Lloyd-Jones. (Ages 2-4) This board book is for your little ones, but contains a powerful reminder...
Our Family's Favorite Picture Books
The kids and I pored through our shelves of picture books and painstakingly narrowed it down to some of our very favorites. (There are too many great ones to choose from!) We wholeheartedly recommend these to you, especially if you...
Ideas for a preschool sibling during homeschool
  So you have a preschool sibling - age 3 to 5 - who isn't quite ready for a homeschool curriculum, but still needs something to do. I want to share a few ideas for how we've kept our 3-and-a-half year old active...
What to do with a toddler during homeschool...
Here are a few strategies to get through your day in one piece!