Easter Picture Book Recommendations

As you may have seen, I recently released my Easter guide (you can purchase it in a digital or print format). For each of the 8 days of the study, I recommend one picture book. The Easter guide can stand alone without these books, but the picture books do add so much, especially for little ones. I've linked them here so you can find them easily on Amazon, but I recommend looking for them in your local library first.
+ Humphrey's First Palm Sunday by Carol Heyer - If you've read (and loved) Humphrey's First Christmas, you'll fall in love with this one, too. Humphrey the camel was present at Jesus' birth, and now 33 years later, he sees Jesus entering Jerusalem. This book is a delight - funny, yet reverent, and such an insightful perspective on Palm Sunday.
+ The One O'Clock Miracle by Alison Mitchell - This is part of a series called "Tales that Tell the Truth" and all of the books are worth owning, in my opinion. This tells the story of Jesus healing a little boy, and you'll find yourself right beside the boy's father, praising Jesus that His promises are true!
+ The Story of Easter by Aileen Fisher - A straightforward Easter account that also explains Easter celebrations and traditions around the world. Helped our family understand the origins of Easter eggs.
+ Psalm Twenty-Three by Tim Ladwig - This is a fresh perspective on Psalm 23. The author has simply used the words of the Psalms and added gorgeously illustrated scenes from an inner city community of Black children as they move through their day. A powerful rendering of a familiar Psalm, reinforcing the truth that the Lord is our Shepherd.
+ The Tale of Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale by Angela Elwell Hunt - The story of three trees who have big dreams and then are suddenly cut down, only to find that their purposes are much bigger than they would've imagined.
+ The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross by Carl Laferton - A theologically sound, relatable account of the entire gospel story. I especially love the emphasis of the temple curtain tearing in two and what that means for us as believers.
+ The Friend Who Forgives by Dan DeWitt - This book creatively chronicles the relationship between Jesus and Peter. Peter denies Jesus three times (as Jesus predicted he would), and yet Jesus forgives him fully.
+ The Story of Easter by Jean Miller - A simple Easter picture book that tells the story of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. A perfect introduction to Easter for little ones.
Happy reading, dear friends!