March Book Madness 2025
I am thrilled to share our family's choices for this year's March Book Madness! This has become one of our favorite yearly traditions to encourage a love of reading. My children and I have carefully selected 16 picture books from various genres that we...
🌿 How to start a nature club 🌿
  After we moved to Texas in 2020, our family sought to connect with other homeschoolers in our area for a nature club—but so often, the options required a long drive or didn't fit our schedule. So, we gathered a...
Christmas Gift Guide 2024
It’s gift-giving season, and I’d love to share a few of my favorite gift ideas for kids, women, and men! Since having children, our family has adopted a 3-gift rule at Christmas: everyone receives something to read, something to wear,...
Favorite Watercolor Supplies for All Skill Levels
As you begin your watercolor painting journey, choosing the right supplies can feel daunting! I want to share my favorite supplies for various skill levels: young beginners (ages 2-5), student artists (5+), and more serious artists of any age who...
My Morning Matcha Latte Routine
Every morning (and most afternoons), I make myself a small matcha latte. It has become a daily rhythm I really look forward to, and it calms me before a busy day. For years, I had avoided caffeine completely because drinking coffee...
Cross-Country Moving Tips
Our family is currently moving from Fort Worth, Texas, to just outside Greenville, South Carolina.  Soon after we decided to put our Texas house on the market, the process went very quickly (just over two weeks between the offer and closing). We were...
Exploring Fort Worth, Texas
Our family moved from Raleigh, North Carolina, to Fort Worth, Texas, in January 2020. We've lived here for four and a half years, and I want to share some of our favorite spots for those coming in from out of...
2023/2024 Curriculum Review
We're wrapping up our sixth official homeschool year as a family, and I want to share how things went. If you're curious what we used this past year, you can find everything in this post: 2023/2024 Curriculum Choices And if...
Having a daily quiet time with the Lord
“Spending time in God’s Word is the best way you can spend your time. Before you start to feel guilty, let me explain that I am not talking about spending time in God’s Word because you should. I am saying,...
3 Perspective Shifts for Moms
With Mother's Day approaching, I know the weight of expectations, grief, and joy that can accompany this day. If you are a mother, your calling itself IS weighty. But the good news is that God has promised to equip you...
All About the Yoto Audiobook Player + Our Favorite Cards
I was initially a hesitant customer of the Yoto audiobook player for two reasons: 1. It's a little pricey. 2. My kids have never been big audiobook fans. Turns out, we've now been using Yoto audiobook players for two years, and they have been...
Mother's Day Gift Guide 2024
Mother's Day is just around the corner, and I thought I would share some of my tried-and-true favorites in case you're looking for ideas for moms and grandmothers in your life (or if you'd like to forward this list to...
Recipe: Matcha-dyed Green Playdough
I've combined my favorite homemade play dough recipe with an easy, natural way to dye it green. It's just in time for St. Patrick's Day! Here's what you need: 1 cup all-purpose flour* 1/4 cup salt 2 teaspoons cream of...
March Book Madness 2024
  I am thrilled to share our family's choices for this year's March Book Madness! This has become one of our favorite yearly traditions to encourage a love of reading. My children and I have carefully selected 16 picture books from various genres...
DIY: Valentine's Day Door Love Letters
Do you need a simple, meaningful way to show your child love this Valentine's Day? Let me show you how to create a special Valentine's Day photo keepsake that your child will love.  Here's how! Go to and create a...
Dazzle Dry Nail Review
For the last two years, I've been making trips to a local nail salon every 2-3 weeks to have my nails "dipped." While I have loved the results (and the 2-3 weeks I'm able to wear these nail colors without...
Why (and how) we cut out refined sugar.
Salted Caramel Cookie Crumble Bars from the Paleo Baking at Home cookbook Sugar is everywhere, hiding in places you'd never think to look (like bone broth, bread, savory sauces).  Sugar is a known neurotoxin, linked to anxiety, weight gain, heart disease,...
December 2023 Favorites
Happy December! I hope you're staying warm and cozy and preparing your heart for the Christmas season. It can feel like a chaotic month, so I thought I'd share some of my December favorites with you… books that are stirring...
2023 Gift Guide
It’s gift-giving season, and I’d love to share a few gift ideas (for kids, women, and men)! As we’re contemplating what we might give our children, let’s lean into their interests. Instead of just filling their stockings with the latest...
DIY Book Ornaments (2 ways)
Each November, I ask my children to choose their favorite book from the past year, and I paint it onto a Christmas ornament. This has quickly become one of my favorite Christmas traditions, and I hope to continue this for years...
5 ways to pray for your husband
Whether your marriage is thriving or just hanging on, prayer is powerful not only for changing others' hearts but for aligning our own hearts with the will of God. Let's commit to covering our husbands in prayer. Write these short...