Our Weekly Dinner Rotation
Every week, our family has a rotating dinner menu that keeps meals predictable and nutritious... and keeps us from driving through Chick-fil-A every day. I aim for meals I know my family will enjoy, that don't take too much time, and that...
Resources for Simplifying in the New Year
Are you (like me) ready to declutter and simplify for this upcoming year?  I asked you for recommendations on decluttering your home and simplifying your routines, and these were the wonderful resources you sent my way. (Thank you!) Here are...
Free Download: Life Skills for Children to Learn
A couple weeks ago, I polled you all for life skills you hope to teach your children before they leave home. I absolutely loved your responses! I compiled the most frequent responses (and added a few of my own) and organized...
DIY: Watercolor Air Dry Clay Ornaments
Did you know you can paint with watercolors on homemade air dry clay? You can find this project in my newest Christmas guide, Come to the Manger, but I wanted to share it here as well! This is a super frugal,...
Santa Claus, St. Nicholas Day, and how our family navigates this season.
December 6 marks St. Nicholas Day when people around the world honor St. Nicholas, a 3rd century bishop whose radical generosity inspired the idea of Santa Claus. Our family doesn't celebrate Santa, but we are planning to learn more about St....
Favorite Christmas Read-Alouds
Does your family read aloud during the Christmas season? There's so much activity in December that I find settling down under a cozy blanket to read with my children - even for 15 minutes a day - brings peace to our...
Independent Bible Study Resources for Kids
Our oldest children are now 11 and almost 9, and both have professed a saving knowledge of Jesus and have been baptized. We are seeing fruit in their lives that only the Holy Spirit can produce: more love, joy, patience...
Mama Gift Guide 2021
Our family keeps Christmas delightfully simple by choosing three gifts for each person: something to read, something to wear, and something to play with. We use this system for children and adults! If you're anything like me, it's much easier to...
Screen-Free Gift Guide 2021
Since having children, we've adopted a 3-gift rule at Christmas: we all receive something to read, something to wear, and something to play with. This keeps things delightfully simple. Our kids have never asked, but if you're transitioning to a "lighter" Christmas this...
Advent Guide Picture Book List
On November 1, I'll be releasing a new Christmas guide for ages 3-7 called, "Come to the Manger." But did you know I also have an Advent guide for elementary students (with preschool projects included)?      I wanted to...
Bridge Books
There must be a publisher-approved name for this genre, but I'm calling them "bridge books" because they bridge the gap between reading picture books and reading chapter books aloud to your children. The "bridge books" I've listed below are heavily...
🍄 DIY Woodland Ornaments 🍄
🍄 DIY Woodland Ornaments 🍄 My husband was born and raised in the Black Forest of Germany, a magical place that inspired so many fairy tales. It's also the home to these gorgeous mushrooms - called amanita muscaria. When I...
Christmas Picture Books for Preschoolers
    On November 1, I'll be releasing a brand new Christmas curriculum called Come to the Manger: A Christ-Centered Christmas for Preschoolers. This 4-week guide includes daily Bible readings, picture books, activities for phonics and counting practice, simple recipes...
"How do I decide if my family should homeschool?"
Because of the pandemic and the ever-changing political climate, more and more families are choosing to homeschool. In fact, since March 2020, the amount of American children who are homeschooled has risen from 3% to an astounding 11%.  So how do...
"I'm interested in homeschooling. Where do I begin?"
I was asking this question 4 years ago, so I'm writing the post I wish I'd had. 🥰A little background: Our family began officially homeschooling when our oldest son was entering kindergarten. I wasn't homeschooled and only knew a few homeschooling...
Homeschooling "Gifted" Children
Do you homeschool an academically advanced child? Or maybe you're totally intimidated by that idea?I certainly was.When our oldest was 5 and we were weighing kindergarten options, he was tested at a local school and found to be reading and comprehending at a...
Tips for planning your homeschool week
    Each Sunday afternoon, it's my joy to sit down with a cup of tea and plan our week. We currently have a 3rd grader (age 8), 1st grader (age 6), 4-year-old, and 2-year-old.      As this is...
Homeschool Lunches
Each homeschool week, I follow a simple Lunch Matrix - inspired by Rachael Alsbury - that the kids enjoy and that completely eliminates decision making. Basically, we have a main course that stays consistent each week, then I add a fruit and...
Free Download: The Pumpkin Parable
As people are setting out their carved pumpkins on their porches (some with happy faces, some with scary faces), let's use this as a golden teaching opportunity about the good news of the gospel for our children. The "Pumpkin Parable" is...
Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
Last October as our family walked around our neighborhood with costumes and treat bags, our 7-year-old looked up at me as we passed fake gravestones and mummies and said, "I feel like we're celebrating death." I had always felt hesitant about...
Our Favorite Fall Picture Books
It's beginning to look a lot like FALL here in Texas! Woohoo!Normally when I post books here, I've done loads of research (and library trips) to curate a perfect collection. This time I simply chose from those we already owned and loved....