Tips for planning your homeschool week

Each Sunday afternoon, it's my joy to sit down with a cup of tea and plan our week. We currently have a 3rd grader (age 8), 1st grader (age 6), 4-year-old, and 2-year-old. 
As this is our fourth official year of homeschooling, I've learned a couple things when it comes to planning. I hope these are an encouragement to you as well!
1. Make a plan a week in advance, then set everything out the night before. 
This is an absolute must for me. I make sure the homeschool area is clean, books are set out, pencils are sharpened, and the chalkboard is ready with our plan. I do have a curriculum plan about 6 weeks in advance, but I reassess weekly to know exactly what we'll be doing. 
2. Do the hard things first. 
For us, that's math. I know that if we leave math until the end of the day, we won't end up doing it... so we do it first! While our two little guys are finishing breakfast, the two older kids head upstairs and work with me on math before beginning our Morning Time routine. 
3. Simplify. 
Once I've finished making our plan, I usually circle one thing that we may accomplish. I've learned that in this season, I have to acknowledge my limits. I firmly believe the best thing I can give to my children is not another field trip or an extra science experiment - it's a peaceful, cheerful mama. 
4. Include a simple lunch plan in your homeschool plans. 
Knowing what we're going to eat - and making sure we have the groceries we need - eliminates decision-making which is such a gift! See my weekly lunch matrix for more on that. 
5. Remember that you are a person, too.
If your homeschool is going to thrive, you have to build in enjoyment for you, too! Schedule something that you look forward to, like a chapter of a new book, a new recipe you'd like to try, or a trip to somewhere you'd enjoy.
6. Keep Jesus in view.
He has called you to this role as mama and teacher and much more, and He will sustain you. I've found that the 15-20 minutes we spend each day reading the Bible together, praying, singing a hymn, and practicing memory verses is as much for me as it is for my children. Our simple Morning Time routine has become the anchor to our homeschool days and to our souls. I encourage you to incorporate it if you haven't already!