All About the Yoto Audiobook Player + Our Favorite Cards

I was initially a hesitant customer of the Yoto audiobook player for two reasons:

1. It's a little pricey.
2. My kids have never been big audiobook fans.
Turns out, we've now been using Yoto audiobook players for two years, and they have been 100% worth the investment... and I want to share why.
But first, if you're not familiar with the Yoto audiobook player, it's a screen-free way for kids to play audiobooks. Kids have control over volume and chapters, and you can take the Yoto completely "offline" so it's great for road trips, too! You purchase cards with individual audiobooks on them, and can play them through speakers or with headphones.
We've now been using our Yoto players daily for two years. Here are our favorite things about them:
  • Even little ones are able to operate the Yoto player. We got one mini player for each of our kids when our youngest was 3 years old and our oldest was 9. They are used every day.
  • There are so many options for great books!
  • You can use the built-in speaker or headphones.
  • Yoto players can go into "offline" mode at any time (great for road trips!), but still work to listen to the desired audiobook. We generally keep the Wifi on long enough to download the cards, then disconnect the players from the internet.
  • I am easily able to control volume limits and other settings (like turning Yoto radio on and off) from an app on my phone.
  • When you order audiobook cards from Yoto, they immediately download into your Yoto app so I can send them to the kids' Yoto players even before the physical cards arrive in the mail. (Isn't this cool?)
  • You can also use the Yoto as a Bluetooth speaker, so you can play books through it from your phone, even if they aren't part of your Yoto card collection.
  • The audiobooks are the very best quality. We haven't encountered an annoying or dull voice. They are all produced with excellence and come through the speakers very clearly.
Here is the con
  • It can get pricey. The Yoto Mini players have the same functionality as the larger players, so we originally chose the Yoto minis due to price... but still, the audiobook cards are also expensive. If you have multiple kids, you'd probably (eventually) want to save up to buy multiple players. If your kids love these as much as mine do, they'll be listening all the time. Also, you can purchase cards for less on Facebook buy/sell/trade groups. So be sure to check that out!

Yoto Club - Is it worth it?

Becoming a member of the Yoto club is an economical way to get more books! It's $10/month and you get to pick 2 cards from a large collection of cards. Plus you get 10% off and free shipping on every order as a club member. The free shipping alone has made it worth it for us!
How do you choose between the Yoto Mini or the Yoto Player?
Our family has both—we have four Yoto Minis (one for each child) and one larger Yoto Player and I can say, hands down, we prefer the Yoto Mini. While I can see how the larger Yoto Players would be helpful if you plan for your kids to share one, it's harder to carry around because it's so much bigger. Ours gets very little use in comparison to our Yoto Minis which are used all the time. I also think the speaker quality is the same on both players. Both can be used with headphones as well. 
Do you need to buy an adventure jacket?
The Yoto players themselves have proven to be very durable, but we do love adding the Adventure Jackets for extra protection and also to distinguish which Yoto belongs to which child. It's been a worthwhile purchase for us!
Can you turn on/off Yoto Radio and podcasts?
Yes! All of this can be adjusted in the settings on your Yoto app on your phone. We personally love the Yoto Daily podcast with Jake (we listen to it together during lunch) and haven't heard anything concerning in the two years we've been listening. But it's easy to turn it off or on. 
How do you store all the cards?
It's been helpful for us to keep our Yoto cards in one place. I found this $10 credit card holder from Amazon that fits the cards perfectly (up to 96 of them!) and keeps them from getting lost. 
What headphones do you use? 
We have Yoto headphones that work well, but really any pair of headphones will work! We love these more economical headphones for kids, too. 
Can I make my own Yoto cards?
Yes! This has been one of our favorite things about the Yoto! I wrote an entire blog post with all the information of how we make our own cards and create durable stickers for them. You can find that here:
You'll need to purchase Make Your Own cards from Yoto before getting started. 
Bottom line: 
Our kids - all four of them - love listening and will listen for hours. As it turns out, they didn't dislike audiobooks. We just didn't have a great way to listen to them. Until now! This has been a worthwhile investment for us and would make a wonderful gift. You could even ask grandparents to purchase some cards for you! These are also perfect for road trips as they can go completely offline and the kids will happily listen to a book of their choice for hours. 
Here are our favorite cards that we own and I would recommend. I've denoted my personal favorites with a *.
For all the kids: