3 Perspective Shifts for Moms
With Mother's Day approaching, I know the weight of expectations, grief, and joy that can accompany this day. If you are a mother, your calling itself IS weighty. But the good news is that God has promised to equip you for it and to sustain you every step of the way.
Over the past 11+ years of being a mom, I've come to realize the power of our thoughts. Asking the Lord to help us shift our perspective from "I have to" to "I get to," from "I can't" to "He can," can lift us out of a pit of worry, guilt, and despair on even our hardest days.
As you celebrate, grieve, pray, and ponder all that motherhood means to you, I pray these simple perspective shifts offer a glimmer of hope and encouragement!
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Happy Mother's Day to you. 💛