My Morning Matcha Latte Routine
Every morning (and most afternoons), I make myself a small matcha latte. It has become a daily rhythm I really look forward to, and it calms me before a busy day. For years, I had avoided caffeine completely because drinking coffee...
Why (and how) we cut out refined sugar.
Salted Caramel Cookie Crumble Bars from the Paleo Baking at Home cookbook Sugar is everywhere, hiding in places you'd never think to look (like bone broth, bread, savory sauces).  Sugar is a known neurotoxin, linked to anxiety, weight gain, heart disease,...
Our Weekly Dinner Rotation
Every week, our family has a rotating dinner menu that keeps meals predictable and nutritious... and keeps us from driving through Chick-fil-A every day. I aim for meals I know my family will enjoy, that don't take too much time, and that...