Creating a "Feel Better Basket"

I hate to see my children hurting. But it's also such a privilege that they run to me when they are. In that sacred few minutes, I'm able to offer comfort and nourishment not only for their bodies, but for their hearts.
I recently put together a "Feel Better Basket" full of natural remedies for my children. It lives in our pantry so that when they come to me hurting, I'm ready to comfort them in practical ways. (These are used in addition to our family's daily vitamin routine, which you can find here.)
Here are the most common complaints in our house and what I've included in our "Feel Better Basket" so I'm always prepared:
+ "My throat hurts": Propolis throat spray or Herbal throat spray + Lemon zinc lozenges + Feel Better Fast tincture
+ "My tummy hurts": Tummy All Better essential oil roller (roll in a clockwise direction on the belly) + Papaya enzymes + Feel Better Fast tincture
+ "I scraped my knee": clean with saline wash or a damp paper towel, then apply Herbal antiseptic ointment + bandages
+ "I got a bug bite": Itch Away essential oil roller (apply directly to the bite)
+ "My head hurts": Badger Headache Soother stick (roll on temples, back of neck, wherever it hurts)
+ "I can't sleep": Sleepy Time by Earthley or Good Night Lotion (applied on the tummy or legs—I use it on myself, too!)
+ Just needing comfort: Warmies microwaveable lavender stuffed animal
What would you put in a Feel Better Basket?
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