🌿 How to start a nature club 🌿
After we moved to Texas in 2020, our family sought to connect with other homeschoolers in our area for a nature club—but so often, the options required a long drive or didn't fit our schedule.
So, we gathered a few other homeschooling families at our church and started our own!
If you're considering starting a nature club, here are some simple suggestions:
- Choose a date, time, and frequency you can commit to. For us, meeting on Wednesday from 10 am to noon (including lunch) worked well. We could do some Morning Time before heading out, spend time at nature club, and return home before naps/rest time.
- Select a location that's close by and easy to access. We chose a creek bed at a local park that was convenient for everyone. Choosing the same spot every week cuts down on planning and communication, and it allows us to observe the location's changes throughout the seasons.
- Pick a simple curriculum. We recommend our Brighter Day Press Nature guide, an open-and-go resource with clear instructions, book recommendations, and simple activities. We created it specifically for families and nature clubs!
- Invite families you enjoy spending time with. Although it's not always possible, it is such a gift to be with other families who instill respect and share similar values.
- Nominate a teacher (or switch off). My friend Nina and I alternated teaching each week, which kept things fresh and manageable. Having another teacher to co-lead the group is incredibly helpful!
- Provide incentives. Each week, we encouraged the kids to go home and complete a nature sketch based on what we studied. If they brought it back finished, they got to choose a prize (lollipops, stickers, erasers). This proved to be highly motivating!