DIY: Wildflower Seed Bombs

This summer project is found in our newest guide, A Simple Summer, and it has already been such a hit! We did it with our local nature group and kids from ages 3 to 15 participated and enjoyed it.
What you need:
- Pinch off a small piece of air dry clay and roll into a 1"-1.5" ball.
- Press the ball into the shape of a small bowl.
- Place a small pinch of various wildflower seeds into the bowl, then add a teaspoon of potting soil on top.
- Pinch the clay closed, incorporating the seeds and soil into the air dry clay.
- Gently roll the clay seed bomb in loose potting soil. This will help nourish the seeds when they're planted. If not using immediately, let the seed bombs dry for 1-2 days on a piece of parchment paper.
After creating these seed bombs, toss a handful in the middle of your garden or in a field with healthy topsoil to create a wildflower garden that is great for attracting pollinators! About a month after dropping the seeds, be sure to revisit the drop spots to see the beginnings of wildflowers. This project is a bit messy and best done outdoors.